Triangulum Financial Partners
The triangle is the strongest and most stable of all geometric shapes, and has been a symbol of strength and stability since ancient times. Triangulum, the Latin word for triangle, embodies the strength and stability that is created by combining our People, our Process, and the broadest possible access to Products. At Triangulum Financial Partners (TFP), you will find People, our Process, and the right Products produce results that will stand the test of time.
It was Andrew Carnegie, at one time the world's richest man, and greatest philanthropist, who said you could take away his factories but leave his people and soon he would have a new and better factory. It is the people that power an organization, and the people at Triangulum Partners are those who question, challenge, innovate and improve the process.
It is only through the combined resources of a national network of specialists that a comprehensive inventory of competitive and appropriate investment, insurance and financial products can be brought to the table for the solution of client problems.
Do You Need to Adjust Your Tax Withholding?
After filing last year’s tax return, it may be a good time to adjust income tax withholding. This article explains how to estimate and adjust withholding.
HOT TOPIC: Data for Sale: Tips to Help Protect Your Private Information
Recent action by the Federal Trade Commission highlights the potential for abuse by online data brokers. This article offers some tips that might help consumers keep their private data private.
Do You Have Enough Life Insurance?
Life insurance needs change over time. This article presents five guidelines to help determine an appropriate amount of life insurance coverage.
Eight Great Investing Quotes
This article offers eight quotes from successful investors, economists, and other insightful thinkers that may help provide perspective and focus for an investing strategy.
Cost of Retirement
Use this calculator to estimate how much income and savings you may need in retirement.
Cash Flow Analysis
This Cash Flow Analysis form will help you weigh your income vs. your expenses.
Life Expectancy
Knowing your likely life expectancy is an important factor in making long-term financial plans.
LTCI Cost of Waiting
Estimate the potential cost of waiting to purchase a long-term care insurance policy.